Climate history in Madagascar

The dashboard on the left represents the data on climate incidents in Madagascar over the period from 1984 to 2018. These data are the result of the work from the CERVO unit (Centre d'Etude et de Réflexion de Veille et d ' Orientation) within the BNGRC which collected all the available data.
Please note that this information is for information only and does not bind the LWG, CERVO or the BNGRC on the accuracy of the information.

Using the dashboard:

Any data displayed is "dynamic". The graphs and figures are updated by clicking on the name of a specific region or district, for example:

- Total number of victims (over the period 1984 to 2018)

- Death toll (over the same period)

You can also click on the curve to select a specific year to view the corresponding figures.

In the same way, you can select a hazard (name of the cyclone or climatic disturbance) to view the corresponding figures.

Covid 19 - Actors sectorial response (source OCHA)

You will find on this dynamic dashboard the update of the activities and actors sectorial response to the Covid 19.

Covid 19 - EPI Procurement update

You will find on this dynamic dashboard the update of purchases made by partners in response to Covid 19. The information is directly connected to the procurement platform database (created by the LWG to centralize procurement data) which is updated regularly (either by partners , or by the LWG after receipt of updates by email.

Covid 19 - National PPE stock

In order to support stakeholders on the national visibility of PPE, consumables and equipment, this dashboard connects to different external data sources (SQL, Cloud) in order to provide real-time information on the stock situation.
The data is updated by the dedicated services of Ministry of Health and humanitarian Covid 19 responders.